According to the FBI, the United States has seen 333 Active Shooter incidents between 2000 – 2019 resulting in 2,851 casualties. Business locations and schools had the highest frequency of incidents. Typically, these two locations were thought of as safe spaces to visit and conduct our activities, after all, they have doors with locks on them to keep the bad guys out. Wrong.
The typical use and purpose of the standard door lock being utilized in most schools and business locations are to establish privacy or provide a first line of defense. I reflect back to my childhood and recall my father’s voice saying “Locks just keep the honest people honest”. Indeed. The typical door locks in place do nothing more than create a baseline for the law-abiding individuals to adhere to and are merely an inconvenience to a violent, focused attacker. Perhaps, this is why soft-target locations like businesses and schools serve as hosts for the vast quantity of casualties being witnessed with increased frequency. There is a need for a layered approach to safety.
Introduce the Bolo Stick door barricade. An American-made device specifically designed to prevent unwanted room entry in one simple step. Manufactured from 1045 cold-rolled steel and capable of resisting more than 4,200 pounds of force it can be deployed in seconds without special knowledge or training. You can see how to install and use this device here. This device has one purpose, preventing unwanted room entry. It was designed by a 33-year veteran police officer for the sole purpose of protecting innocent lives that are placed in harm’s way. Bolo Stick has quickly become the most sought-after door barricade on the market and is currently being utilized in 39 states across the U.S. and in 4 countries internationally.
Check out our door barricades to keep those close to you safe. Shop at our Door Barricade Device Store
Always have a backup plan. Essentially, layering your security provides you with a secondary measure to safeguard lives. There is never a second chance to get it right the first time.
Please take the time to learn more about safeguarding schools, business locations, churches, daycares, and homes at
Be aware, proactive, and safe.
Bill Barna
President, Bolo Stick LLC