Yes. The Bolo Stick door barricade device can be disengaged from the exterior of the room using a specialized tool which…
Since Bolo Stick is designed for use as a door security barricade to preserve human life against an imminent threat, it…
The designed and specified use of Bolo Stick is to serve as a barricade and preserve human life against an imminent threat.…
No. Bolo Stick is easily deployed by inserting the cylindrical safety pin into the round hole on the safety mount. The…
While standard door locks provide some deterrent, the Dept. of Homeland Security recommends utilizing both a lock and…
Bolo Stick has no mechanical parts that can become defective. The one-step round hole/round peg philosophy eliminates…
Bill Barna, the inventor of the Bolo Stick door barricade device, explains how he came up with the BOLO Stick to supplement…
"I get to help make places safer. I get to make parents feel better knowing that there's a device there that can help…
The process of stacking desks and chairs, while helpful, requires time, labor, and mobility. Considering the safety of…
My name is Bill Barna. I've been a police officer for 32 years and back in 2013 I was an active shooter instructor and…